It's a money Thing® Junior
Video Scripts
Adapting personal finance topics for kids
The It's a Money Thing program was eager to launch a spin-off web series and needed help writing and structuring content for elementary school-aged children.
Client feedback revealed that It's a Money Thing’s explainer videos were a hit with younger audiences. Even though the videos featured topics intended for adults (like mortgages and credit cards), children responded well to the humour and animation style.
The team was eager to introduce a Junior series of explainer videos for children, but was met with the challenge of demonstrating financial concepts for audiences too young to access most banking products. I was responsible for developing age-appropriate content for elementary school students without compromising It’s a Money Thing’s sense of storytelling.
Junior episodes introduced a brand-new cast of characters to the It’s a Money Thing program. The ensemble cast presented an opportunity to model multiple approaches to a single concept each episode. I wrote each character to represent a different attitude toward money. By discussing and navigating challenges together, the friend group could showcase their individual strengths and address their weaknesses.
Cartoon characters annotated with financial traits: risk-taker, giver, saver, spender, role model.
Loosely matching each character with a financial trait helped me develop consistent and relatable reactions to events within each episode. Turtle character design by me; kid character designs by Earthstar Smith.
Rather than focus on specific financial products, I chose to explore broad concepts like Saving, Spending, Giving and Borrowing. I developed “playground” versions of financial scenarios using Show-and-Tell and Hot Lunch Day as catalysts for saving and borrowing money.
Video: Spending Money. In this episode, birthday money leads to a conversation about different spending priorities. Script and background design by me; animation by Earthstar Smith.
All six scripts I wrote were fully produced and immediately integrated into Currency Marketing’s product offering. As of 2022, approximately 80% of It's a Money Thing subscriptions include access to Junior content.
My Input